For some 20 years, PRS has enjoyed a wonderful data partnership with Transparency International (TI), the Berlin-based anti-corruption watch-dog, with more than 100 national chapters.
Each year, PRS provides TI with its corruption risk scores for all 141 countries covered by the International Country Risk Guide. The scores are standardized, weighted, and later presented in TI’s annual Corruption Perceptions Index. The Index is then published on TI’s website.
The data from both organizations are used globally, by researchers and practitioners alike, and highlight the issue of corruption in different countries.
The data from both PRS and TI are significant resources in the fight against corruption.
The Royal Geographical Society (RGS) is a learned society and professional body for geography.
The Royal Geographical Society (RGS) is a learned society and professional body for geography based in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1830 for the advancement of geographical sciences, the Society has 16,000 members, with its work reaching the public through publications, research groups and lectures.
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With offices in New York City and Washington, DC, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is considered to be the most influential foreign-policy think tank in the United States. Including names like Fareed Zakaria, Colin Powell, Tom Brokaw, and Madeleine Albright, CFR’s impressive membership list has included senior politicians, more than a dozen Secretaries of State, CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, and prominent media figures.
CFR is perhaps best known by the general public as the publisher of the widely read bi-monthly journal Foreign Affairs. In policy circles, however, CFR is known for its “David Rockefeller Studies Program,” which often succeeds in influencing foreign policy by making official recommendations to the President and diplomatic community, testifying before Congress, speaking with the media, and publishing on issues of foreign policy.
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Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Switzerland, RepRisk is a pioneer in ESG data science that leverages the combination of AI and machine learning with human intelligence to systematically analyze public information and identify material ESG risks.
RepRisk’s flagship product, the RepRisk ESG Risk Platform, is the world’s largest and most comprehensive due diligence database on ESG and business conduct risks, with expertise in 23 languages and coverage of 180,000+ public and private companies and 45,000+ infrastructure projects. For more than a decade, the world’s leading financial institutions and corporations have trusted RepRisk for due diligence and risk management across their operations, business relationships, and investments.
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